cd //var/www/mutarock python manage.py startapp apps以後的app都把它放在這麼資料夾下面
cd /apps python ./manage.py startapp polls目前整個project的資料夾應該像下面這樣
mutarock/ manage.py mutarock/ apps/ polls/polls則是長這個樣子
polls/ __init__.py models.py tests.py views.pymodels.py主要是這個app的資料型態,例如這個例子裡面有Poll和Choice
Poll 是只個別的投票
Choice 是各個選項
from django.db import models class Poll(models.Model): question = models.CharField(max_length=200) pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published') class Choice(models.Model): poll = models.ForeignKey(Poll) choice = models.CharField(max_length=200) votes = models.IntegerField()其他細節就不多說了,可以去看教學
cd //var/www/mutarock/mutarock vim settings.py其中一個欄位是INSTALLED_APPS,在這邊把自己的app加進去
INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin: # 'django.contrib.admin', # Uncomment the next line to enable admin documentation: # 'django.contrib.admindocs', 'apps.polls', #這個範例的app )OK之後可以利用強大的managa.py去顯示這個app會建立的哪些table有哪些欄位(based on your model)
python manage.py sql polls確定應該沒有問題之後就輸入
python manage.py syncdb系統就會實際把table建好
PS 建立完之後可以利用
python manage.py shell這個語法去實際和系統互動 以下是教學提供的幾個例子,我就貼過來自己看
>>> from polls.models import Poll, Choice # Import the model classes we just wrote. # No polls are in the system yet. >>> Poll.objects.all() [] # Create a new Poll. # Support for time zones is enabled in the default settings file, so # Django expects a datetime with tzinfo for pub_date. Use timezone.now() # instead of datetime.datetime.now() and it will do the right thing. >>> from django.utils import timezone >>> p = Poll(question="What's new?", pub_date=timezone.now()) # Save the object into the database. You have to call save() explicitly. >>> p.save() # Now it has an ID. Note that this might say "1L" instead of "1", depending # on which database you're using. That's no biggie; it just means your # database backend prefers to return integers as Python long integer # objects. >>> p.id 1 # Access database columns via Python attributes. >>> p.question "What's new?" >>> p.pub_date datetime.datetime(2012, 2, 26, 13, 0, 0, 775217, tzinfo=<utc>) # Change values by changing the attributes, then calling save(). >>> p.question = "What's up?" >>> p.save() # objects.all() displays all the polls in the database. >>> Poll.objects.all() [<Poll: Poll object>]可以看到最後一個例子回傳的東西相當不人性化
class Poll(models.Model): # ... def __unicode__(self): return self.question class Choice(models.Model): # ... def __unicode__(self): return self.choice教學上面提到,熟悉python的人一般會使用 __str__ 而不是 __unicode__ 這邊會建議使用 __unicode__ 是因為django預設是用unicode
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